Showing posts with label south america. Show all posts
Showing posts with label south america. Show all posts
Potosí (Silver Mines of Colonial Peru)

Potosí (Silver Mines of Colonial Peru)

The extensive silver mines of the mountain of Potosí (in the highlands of contemporary Bolivia, at an......
Popul Vuh

Popul Vuh

In 1908, Lewis Spence, one of the foremost scholars of myth and religion of his day, said of the Popul......
Francisco Pizarro

Francisco Pizarro

Ranking with Hernán Cortés as one of the most ruthless and effective of all the Spanish conquistadores,......
Conquest of Peru

Conquest of Peru

Conquest of Peru Following on the heels of the Spanish conquest of the Caribbean, conquest of Mexico,......
Viceroyalty of Peru

Viceroyalty of Peru

The largest and second most important political jurisdiction in Spain’s American empire after the......
Pernambuco (Recife, Brazil)

Pernambuco (Recife, Brazil)

Pernambuco Pernambuco is a state in the northeastern part of Brazil and is the closest South American......
Juan de Oñate - Spanish Explorer

Juan de Oñate - Spanish Explorer

Juan de Oñate - Spanish Explorer On April 20, 1598, Spanish captain-general Don Juan de Oñate approached......
Obrajes in Colonial Latin America

Obrajes in Colonial Latin America

Obrajes in Colonial Latin America Obrajes (roughly, workshops) were key enterprises in the developing......
Conquest of Northwestern South America

Conquest of Northwestern South America

Conquest of Northwestern South America Before the Spanish invasions of the early 16th century, the......
Viceroyalty of New Spain

Viceroyalty of New Spain

For 300 years (1521–1821), the Viceroyalty of New Spain, the richest and most important political......
Colonial Administration of New Spain

Colonial Administration of New Spain

Colonial Administration of New Spain In order to administer their vast holdings in the New World,......
Moctezuma II - Aztec Emperor

Moctezuma II - Aztec Emperor

Moctezuma II - Aztec Emperor High priest and eighth son of Mexica emperor Axayácatl (d.1481), Moctezuma......
Mita Labor in the Andean Highlands

Mita Labor in the Andean Highlands

For many centuries prior to the Spanish conquest, the indigenous peoples of the Andean highlands had......
Conquest of Mexico

Conquest of Mexico

Conquest of Mexico The conquest of Mexico represents one of the most ofttold and epic sagas in the......